The Finnish Forest Industries Federation organised a virtual breakfast event on Friday 26th March on the ongoing status of the EU biodiversity strategy. The strategy is part of EU Green Deal, aiming at putting Europe's biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030, and includes several forest related actions.

Forest Director Karoliina Niemi of the Finnish Forest Industries argued in favour of a balance between the economic, environmental and social aspects of forest related policies.

Member of Agricultural Committee, MEP Elsi Katainen (Renew) is strongly involved in the preparation of European Parliament’s own initiative report on EU Biodiversity Strategy.

”Competence on forest policy remains in the hands of Member States, also when biodiversity strategy is implemented", underlined Katainen.

Senior Specialist Olli Ojala from Ministry of Environment gave an overview of the timetable and concrete actions initiated by the EU biodiversity strategy on national level.

In her closing statement Niemi stressed the importance to take into account the persistent and succesful efforts by the forest sector in addressing forest biodiversity.